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Deception Word Cloud Design
October 4, 2019
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The Problem

Deception is a very powerful force in our lives. It vies for our attention. This force doesn’t matter whether we believe it comes from the devil or is just a product of our minds. It is real and there is no denying it. If left to fester it will infect our hearts and then every relationship we have. The only way I know to battle the deception in my life is to expose it. This is how I do it. 

Some Solutions

  1. Identify and nurture relationships with healthy people who I can trust to tell me the truth about who I am and who I could be. They need to not only tell me about my great worth, but also to lovingly help me identify sin and destructive behaviors when they see them in my life.
  1. Serve. I feel the most vulnerable to deception when my life is out of balance. This happens when there is more focus on myself and less on others. I need to take care of myself before I can wholeheartedly serve others, but the more the scale tips toward serving myself, the more I start going places I don’t truly want to be. 
  1. Pray & write. Some call it meditation, I call it prayer. Finding a quiet place where I can reflect or talk to God always helps me. The deceiver wants to keep me busy all the time. I personally find the most clarity when I write things down. I am full of great advice for others. When I write these thoughts down, I see them more as coming from a third party. I’m then able to objectively hear my own advice to myself.  I often find it easier to be vulnerable with myself than with others. My writing exposes where my heart is. If I have a concern about what is exposed, I know I must share it with (#1) trusted people and get the help I need. 

And Why It Matters to Me

I was designed for a purpose in life and I am determined not to miss out on that because I have been deceived.

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